Monday, July 9, 2012

Mixtape #22

"Harvard on the Hudson" came out from With The Punches in January and left fans dying for more.  Last Tuesday, the band from Newburgh NY dropped their first LP, Seams and Stitches with much success.  "I Told You Already" is this week's number 1 for the mixtape because it is one of the stand out singles off the album.  The song shows that With The Punches has learned the formula on how to make music well. A little more poppy than punk, "I Told You Already" falls right in the middle of the record and helps pick the pace back up.

Rest of this week's Mixtape:
  • Gallows: " Last June"
  • Handguns: "Song About You"
  • Close To Home: "Family Ties"
  • Runner Runner: " Who I Am"
  • Minus the Bear: "Lonely Gun"
  • The American Scene: "Just Say It"
  • As I Lay Dying: "Cauterize"
  • Forever Came Calling: "If Bukowski Could See Me Now"
  • What's Eating Gilbert: "Complaining"
  • A Great Big Pile of Leaves: "Pet Mouse"
  • A Rocket to the Moon: "Going Out"
  • Anchor & Braille: "Goes without Saying"
  • Deap Valley: "Gonna Make My Own Money"
  • Good Luck Varsity: "Lakes"