Friday, March 25, 2011

and so we begin....

To some people, music is just the background noise of their lives.  To me, the soundtrack means more then the actors, the setting, and sometimes even the plot.  Put on a song, and I will recall a memory for you.  Dates, details, little deja-vus do not spark my memory-music does.  My musical taste spreads all over the map.  Pick a genre, and I will tell you my favorite artist or song and why.  I have never limited my liking, I have always wondered throughout the musical forest.  Some people wont believe this.  You will say, "oh everyone says that".  But I am hoping you will stick around long enough to read this blog and realize, "oh wow, she knows a ton about music."  I have spent countless hours when there was plenty of papers, homework, and life deadlines to music.  It is completely my comfort zone.  After seeing the movie Almost Famous, i knew what i wanted to do with my life...Write about everyone Else's background noise.

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