Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Music from Mars...

After the hype from the At the Drive In reunion for Coachella quieted down a bit, The Mars Volta announced recently that they will be releasing a new album on March 27th.  The album entitled, Noctournigquet, will be their first since 2009's Octahedron. Shortly after the album's release, members Cedric Bixler-Zavala and Omar Alfredo Rodríguez-López will take part in the At the Drive In reunion show. Track Listing and album artwork can be found below.

Nocturniquit Track Listing:
1. The Whip Hand
2. Aegis
3. Dyslexicon
4. Empty Vessels Make The Loudest Sound
5. The Malkin Jewel
6. Lapochka
7. In Absentia
8. Imago
9. Molochwalker
10. Trinkets Pale Of Moon
11. Vedamalady
12. Noctourniquet
13. Zed And Two Naughts

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