Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Revelation Reunites...

Revelation Records will be celebrating their 25th anniversary this year.  To celebrate properly, the company will be hosting two anniversary shows on June 8th-10th at the Glasshouse in Pomona, CA.  Bands participating in the shows are the Gorilla Biscuits, Sick of it All, Underdog, and Bold to name a few.  On the June 8th and 10th shows, starters of "metalcore" Shai Hulud will be performing.  What will make these appearances even more special is that Chad Gilbert will be reuniting with the band.

 When the band signed with Revelation Records, lead singer Damien Moyal quit.  Shai Hulud then found 14 year old Chad Gilbert to take Moyal's place.  Together they went on to put out a 3 track EP entitled A Profound Hatred of Man.  Gilbert left in 97 to start New Found Glory, but that EP started the legend that would become Shai Hulud.

It was also announced this week that Gilbert will be producing the next Shai Hulud record.  The guys will be heading into the studio this month, and the record should be out later in the year. 

Shai Hulud is a band that deserves much respect in this industry.  Originally from Florida, the band moved to New York.  Despite industry issues and departing members, Shai Hulud has stood the test of time.  Without their influences, fans may never have gotten to hear such bands as As I Lay Dying, Poison the Well, Silverstein, and See You Next Tuesday.  Many fans cite Shai Hulud as the only "true" metalcore band out there.
I had the pleasure of seeing Shai Hulud at the Chance, in Poughkeepsie New York recently.  The guys are some of the most down to earth people you will ever meet.  Their set was energetic, charismatic, and playing seems effortless for them.  My favorite part of the set was the fact that many people in the pit were artists of many other participating bands from that day.  These shows with Gilbert will just make an amazing performance from Shai Hulud more special.

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