Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Menzingers,ADTR, and Rise Against Live...

At the end of January, I had the pleasure of taking my three cousins to a concert at the Mid Hudson Civic Center in Poughkeepsie NY.  They were going for A Day to Remember, I was going for Rise Against.  The concert was split between fans just like us for the two major acts.  The opening act, The Menzingers, were a pleasant surprise for me.  I know listen to them quite often because of that show.  A Day To Remember have die hard fans.  These kids went nuts from the minute the lights went down till the last balloon hit the floor.  A guilty pleasure of mine, they are a band you should check out live at least once-the boys from Florida can put on a show.  Rise Against has always been one of my favorite bands.  They have a style that has grown with their fan base.  Their show that night is one that made me remember why I started going to concerts and listening to music like this in the first place.  Its hard to make me stop being in "work" mode and be a fan, and Rise Against did that night.
Jeremy McKinnon, lead singer of A Day To Remember

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