Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The Tangled Web of Craig Owens and Chiodos...

*I just want to say that I know this is "old" news by now.  However, I waited to report on this because I knew that when the story broke, there would be updates for several days.  I wanted to wait to express my opinion and views after the major announcements had been made.*

Late last week, the teenage scene girl in me jumped for joy for hours after watching this:
Craig Owens has reunited with Chiodos! 
So after the fan girl in me calmed down, the reporter side kicked in.  I, along with millions of others, have a ton of questions.  Some initially have been answered, but now have left new ones in their place.  So I'm going to do this in three parts: the summary, the questions, the opinion.  so let us begin!

Chiodos "let go" of Owens back in September of 2009.  The split was not an amicable one.  Fans were heartbroken and upset even though the band said the split was "necessary".  Brandon Bolmer joined Chiodos and they put out one album together(Illuminaudio) in 2010.  After a few tours and the album release, Chiodos became almost non-existent.  In March of this year, Bolmer and drummer Tanner Wayne officially announced their departure.  This is where the rumors of an Owens/Chiodos reunion began.
Craig was definitely not off the radar after being fired.  After spending some time to find himself, Owens came back to form the band Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows.  The band was a super band of sorts, all members were from other bands in the scene.  A full length, D.R.U.G.S, was put out in 2011 with much success.  Craig also has been very successful with a solo career, his mini tours sell out at almost every venue. He also has started an acting career.  When the reunion rumors were brought to the attention of the other members of D.R.U.G.S, the fellas laughed them off
.Craig Owens and Chiodos officially reunited on April 26th.  The story spread like wild fire, and was easily one of the biggest pieces of news in the genre for a week.  Many musicians took to social networking to give their opinion, including Bolmer.  The former lead singer was kind, wishing both parties the best of luck and gave them his support.  The opinions of the members of D.R.U.G.S. however, is not so cut and dry.   A day after the official announcement, Matt Good, Aaron Stern, and Nick Martin put out a statement of their own.  The trio told fans that they would be leaving Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows.  The three did say they have "no regrets" about their music or who it was made with.  Several days later, Owens finally made a statement.  Due to the "unexpected events" that have occurred, he told fans he is uncertain about the future of D.R.U.G.S.  The last piece of major news to come out of this story seems to be that the former members of D.R.U.G.S. are not allowed to start a band together, due to a clause in a contract that was signed.

Did ya get all that? I know it's a lot.  So after hearing all of the initial reports and follow up stories, there are still some questions that are left to be answered:
  • What exactly are the two reuniting for? A reunion tour? New music? 
  • What will Craig do with D.R.U.G.S?
  • How will this effect Owens' solo career?
  • Who is drumming in Chiodos?
  • What is the status of Nick Martin and Craig's relationship?
  • What does this mean for possible new material from Isles and Glaciers or Cinematic Sunrise?
Chiodos was a band that I listened to every day of my earlier years.   In taking every opportunity to see them live, I have met Craig several times over the past few years.  Besides being quite the little fan girl for him, I find him to be an amazingly humble, gracious, and genuinely good-hearted person.  I was upset when the two parted in 2009.  Not because I was a close minded fan and thought the band would go nowhere, I actually enjoy Bolmer's work.  I was upset to hear the way the split went down.  It was disheartening to hear about friendships going horribly wrong.  That is why I hope Owens didn't leave his band mates in Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows out of the loop when making all of these decisions.  If Chiodos reuniting to this line up makes great music that touches someone like their older albums did me, then this was all for the best.  Time will only tell though, if this was about rekindling and making great music, or something else. 

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