Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It MUST Suck to be Four Year Strong Right Now...

Pop/Punk Band Four Year Strong announced that keyboardist Josh Lyford would be leaving the band. Lyford will continue to write and pursue music with his band, Foxfires, as Four Year Strong will move forward with their upcoming tour.

The original statement was released on April 3, 2011. Yesterday, April 4, Lyford blogged his opinion of the split. Lyford seemed shocked only about the timing of the break up, considering F.Y.S. starts its tour today. He did state that he could feel the separation coming. He wished his former band mates luck in the future and told his fans not to worry, he is excited to try new things-and finally get a dog.

Alan Day, guitarist/vocalist, made a personal statement to fans to clarify any confusions. Day wanted to make sure fans understood Lyford had not quit, as some were starting to think. He goes on to explain that as Four Year Strong has started writing new material, the keyboard sound is just not meshing with the rest of the band. He explains to fans that F.Y.S. never really needed a keyboard in the first place, but the band loved Josh to much to let him go. Day encouraged fans not to give up on the band and if anyone has any questions, feel free to tweet him.

Fan reaction seems to mixed, this fan included. Some people are very upset over the loss of Lyford and his sound to F.Y.S., others didn't even know there was a keyboard in the band. To me, I am not worried about their sound. Four Year Strong still have all of their original writers and the band started as a quartet with keyboard added later on. I think musically the band will still be amazing and continue to grow and move forward. Enemy of the World was a great success and break out for the band. What I think will start to lack from F.Y.S. though, will be when their live performances. Lyford was a great hype man. His presence on stage was always felt. I loved when he would come up front and preform vocally on songs like "Maniac" and "Heroes Get Remembered". Hopefully, the remaining four will be able to pick up the slack. Guess I will just have to go to an upcoming show to find out!

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