Sunday, April 3, 2011

Taking Back Sunday on This Sunday Afternoon...

Veterans out of Long Island's Emo-Alternative scene, Taking Back Sunday is back and harder then ever.  Back to its original line up(Adam Lazzara, Eddie Reyes, Mark O'Connell, Shaun Cooper, John Nolan), Taking Back Sunday is dropping a self titled album this summer.  Released on March 28, "El Paso" is the first single to be heard since the bands reformation.  The band did leak a demo entitled "The Best Place To Be a Mom", but it was not studio finished.  The single is gaining a lot of buzz with all the surrounding anticipation for the album.  Front man Adam Lazzara has also stated that the single is "the heaviest our band has ever ventured".

I for one can not stop playing this song already.  "El Paso" is definitely the hardest sound I have heard from T.B.S. ever and I am loving it.  Being a fan since the beginning, and I can say that because I attended some of the earliest Taking Back Sunday shows ever, the evolution of their sound is fitting with the reunion.  Its more grown up, more mature, and more structured.  I love the fact that John and Adam are dueling vocally in the chorus just like the old days.  O'Connell's drumming is superb and foot thumping worthy(I have a thing for drummers just an FYI).  Being the lyrical person that I am as well, I am happy to say that these lyrics are in true T.B.S standard in the fact that they're catchy and in your head after the first listen.  I for one am going to buy this album the minute is available.  After hearing this, I am also super stoked to see them preform at The Bamboozle Festival in New Jersey at the end of this month.  No band has ever made Emo feel so cool, so acceptable, and well, so right.

I do want to address one thing that I found interesting while researching the news on this song.  It was intriguing to me to see on a lot of forums and discussion feeds how many fans and listeners were comparing this new T.B.S. sound to that of fellow L.I. band Brand New.  Many People were stating they felt it was sounding very similar to Brand New's Lp Daisy.  Brand New did get harder on that album then any of their other previous releases.  Now as I previously stated, I have been around T.B.S. since their beginning and I have also been around Brand New for almost a decade now. It is funny to me that people may have not realized that Jesse Lacy(founder of Brand New) was at one time a member of T.B.S..  This whole comparison was intriguing to me because what people were seeming to forget was the bands have the same upbringing.  They hail from the same D.Y.I. scene, the same group of people, the same stomping grounds.  It would only make sense that their sound may sound parallel at one point or time. My opinion on the comparison is this; Daisy was more Raw, "El Paso" is more polished and structured.  Also, Taking Back Sunday went hard vocally and instrumentally; Brand New brings it with lyrics but their sound is usually more mellow. Despite the comparisons, I still think Taking Back Sunday will be one of the best Alternative albums of the summer, and a great accomplishment for the band.

For more information on the upcoming album, please visit the following websites:

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