Friday, April 15, 2011

Supporting a long lost culture...

Tomorrow, April 16 2011, marks the fifth annual Record Store Day.  Founded in 2007 by a group of collaborators, Record Store Day happens every third Saturday of April.  The day promotes the celebration of music, the vinyl culture, and the 700 stores nationally that support this scene.  On Record Store Day, participating stores will release special promotions (tee-shirts, toys, memorabilia), as well as c.d. releases for fans.  Record Store Day also happens internationally.  The whole purpose of this celebration is to keep the independent sales of music and vinyl alive.

Here’s a quick explanation of the types of releases:
  • Record Store Day Releases: These releases are EXCLUSIVE to the event.
  • Windowed Releases: Available on Record Store Day only; but may be available someday to come.
  • Regional/Small Releases: Only available to certain parts of the country or a so small all of the participating stores cannot carry the item.
Remember as well, a lot of these items are LIMITED edition.  Not everyone is going to find or get a copy.  Don’t be disappointed though; that excitement is what helps makes the day!   

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