Friday, May 6, 2011

Bamboozle Recap...

First let me say I am terribly sorry that this has taken almost a week to write.  The Bamboozle Festival 2011 completely took me out of reality and it has been a slow trip back to the real world.  With that being said, I do not even think I can begin to describe to you how awesome my weekend was.  Bamboozle never fails on delivering the best, which is what this weekend was.  All three days had its own awesomeness for its own reasons.  Friday night was just one big dance party.  Saturday was an epic day to just chill and listen to music that brought me to the place I am in today.  Sunday was the day of sweat dripping pits and off the chart set lists.  There's so much I could say, but for starters I will just give you the run down on some of my favorites.

New Favorites I am Glad I Caught:

Vanna: I was not a big fan of Vanna going into The Bamboozle.  I had only listened to them a few times, and had a few friends who were fond of them.  After Saturday, this band is on my top plays.  There set was absolutely incredible.  This was for the main fact that Vanna knows how to connect with their audience.  Vanna didn't just play fast and hard; they played for their fans.  This in turn made me a fan now as well. 

Chelsea Grin: Like Vanna, I was on the fence about Chelsea Grin.  Not being too fond on the "Pig Squealing" genre, I honestly didn't even have them on my "To See" list.  I'm really glad that changed.  Chelsea Grin was captivating live.  With only one record out, I look forward to seeing what else the band can bring to the music table. 

Old Favorites That Never Die:

Senses Fail: Senses Fail was the band to kick off my Sunday.  Even though I caught Chelsea Grin right before them, this was the first band on my list.  I have seen them live five times, and there show will never get old for me.  It was also nice to be watching Senses Fail with peers my own age that know what "pit etiquette" is and were not middle schoolers screaming for no reason.  I also have to say that front man James "Buddy" Nielson's speeches in between songs were great.  Chastising the girls that were wearing nothing and giving us his take on the state of the music business currently were hysterical and so true. 

Taking Back Sunday: What is there to say? Taking Back Sunday at its original line up and playing Tell All Your Friends at its entirety is just amazing.  Now I have scanned a few forums and Facebook comments saying how the sound was off.  My feeling on the people that did not like T.B.S. is that they're too young to understand the significance of this.  T.B.S. puts on a great show; Adam Lazzara is one of the most dramatic lead singers out there performing.  Yes his voice sounded weird to new coming fans.  That is because the sound of Tell All Your Friends and the upcoming album are completely different.  

Show Stealer s of the Weekend:

A Day To Remember: This band and their performance are the main reason I cannot get back into reality.  I have seen A.D.T.R. live before and it was always one hell of a show, but something was different about this weekend's performance.  Front man Jeremy McKinnon said to the crowd that this was a huge moment for the band; something they have been striving for.  Their set showed how much it meant to them.  I go to concerts and shows all the time, and there are very few that stay in my mind for this long.  A Day to Remember played their hearts out.  Bamboozle was definitely the culmination of all their hard work and struggles getting to the place they are at now paying off. 

Chiddy Bang: I do not know how many times I have said on this blog, or how many times I will say it, but CHIDDY BANG ARE THE GROUP TO WATCH THIS YEAR.  After coming off beating the Guinness World Record for "Longest Free Style Rap" on Thursday, Chiddy Bang played all three days of the Festival.  I caught them on Friday night and Sunday Afternoon.  Friday was on a smaller stage, Sunday on a main stage.  The venue did not change the level of how well these two guys played.  Now that Noah Beresin has a drum set to thrash on also adds to their hype.  

New Found Glory with Marky Ramone:  N.F.G. is one of those bands that I have gone to a show and it constantly plays in my head for days after.  They are the band I have probably seen the most live and they never let me down.  Adding legendary drummer Marky Ramone to the picture was a moment in history.  People my age and younger that listen to "punk" rock will never get a chance to see its creators live and in action.  However to hear Marky play with New Found Glory and to see how much effort N.F.G. put into this set was what made this set so memorable.  

The MovieLife Reunion: Long Island Scenesters and scene kids all over the world were waiting for this reunion for a very long time.  The Movie Life's 45 minute set did not disappoint either.  Their set was packed with sing a-longs for the audience and showed new coming fans why this band was considered the kings of the scene back in the day.

I'm On the Fence About:

Lil WayneMinaj were stewing for months).  Also, after about 20 minutes of rapping, Weezy announced he was taking a break.  Really? We just watched Motley Crue who is the "Old Folks" of the Festival play nonstop for an hour and you need a break after twenty minutes? That still just does not sit with me right. 

Attack Attack!: I wanted to watch Attack Attack! for one reason-growth.  Every year I have seen them play, they keep getting bigger and bigger with fan base and album sales.  With all that, their performance gets better and better.  Love them or hate them (it actually is one of the biggest debates in music these days), Attack Attack! are great at what they do.  They play to the crowd and bring some fun elements into their shows.  I also feel like they did not fall to the pressure of finally playing a main stage.  My only thing was when I looked around at the people surrounding me; they were very different from the crowd that survived the "Wall of Death" with me two years ago.  Has Attack Attack! lost their original fans? Hmm...

MayDay Parade: Mayday is that band currently that if I am having a bad day, their music comes on.  Yes, their lyrics are definitely in the "emo" category.  I was eager to see them live as well for the fact that they have had some switches in the front man department.  I should have known that this was the only band that I wanted to see that would have the thirteen year old girl mosh pits and pushing problem.  That's not what bothered me though.  I could not hear the lead singer.  How am I supposed to draw a conclusion if I can't hear ya?

Again, read the disclaimer about this blog.  These are my opinions and my opinions only.  I do not write for anyone but myself.  I will also put up pics and videos that were taken by myself of my sister of the weekend next.  And even though I have taken a vacation from reality, the music world has I have plenty of news and stories to fill you in on!

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