Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Many Sides of Coldplay...

Coldplay knows how to make a hit record.  There is no arguing it or trying to deny that fact.  The band's latest yet to be titled EP is due out this fall.  Coldplay has stated that the album will be about love, addiction, O.C.D., and escape.  If you ask me, that is several topics to cover.  Within the last several weeks, Coldplay has released two singles off the forthcoming record to show just how they are going to spread themselves over all those areas.

"Every Teardrop is a Waterfall" was the first single released by Coldplay.  Produced by Brian Eno, the song is classic Coldplay material.  With acoustic guitar, a lead electric riff, and distorted keyboards the song is being referred as Viva la Vida 2.0, referencing Coldplay's hit single from their last album, Viva La Vida or Death And All His Friends

Do not think the whole album will sound like this however.  The second single, "Major Minus" reveals an edgier side to Coldplay.  The song shows an angrier side to lead singer Chris Martin with its ominous lyrics and lo-fi vocals.  Guitarist John Buckland doesn't seem to get a break either with no break in the guitar until two minutes in.  "Major Minus" has already been deemed not radio friendly compared to the band's other material.  However, I am a big fan of this.  Just because the record label and radio execs do not like it did not stop the band from releasing it.  Whether it is a hit or miss, Coldplay stuck by their work and that is was makes them so amazing.

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