Sunday, December 11, 2011

Bamboozle Documentary Part 2...

First off let me apologize for having to play catch up.  A broken laptop = a very unhappy writer! With that said....

Last Sunday, John D and the rest of the LincStar/Bamboozle family released the second part of the documentary of last year's festival.  The piece features interviews with Taking Back Sunday, New Found Glory, and Vinny Carauna of I am the Avalanche about the MovieLife reunion.  It also takes a moment to feature The Gaslight Anthem, who John D calls the "breath of fresh air to the scene" and We are the In Crowd.  The third installment of the documentary will air at 9pm on December 13th, but if you can not wait that long like I can't, there is a link on the bamboozle website where you can watch the piece at 6a.m via AOL's

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