Friday, March 23, 2012

New Drummer is the Word...

Metalcore band The Word Alive have officially found a new drummer.  Thanks to the magical powers of YouTube, Luke Holland has been added to the band's line up.  Lead singer Telle Smith stumbled upon Holland's profile on the site while recording The Word Alive's upcoming album, Life Cycles.  After learning the material and hanging out with the rest of the guys, both parties agree it is a great match.  Holland will be going out on tour with The Word Alive with the hopes that all will work out for the best. 

Holland is needed after former drummer Justin Salinas' departure in February.  Salinas' heart was not in to the rugged tour schedule and did not want to further his career in music. His absence created a hole for the band very close to the start of recording their sophomore album.  The drum work on Life Cycles was completed by Matt Horn, a long time friend and musician.  Horn did not stay with The Word Alive because he is already a member of the Arizona band, Sleepwalker

Check out Holland's skills in the video below:

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